How to Paint a Ceiling Quickly


Don’t wait to paint your ceiling a new color. Use the quick method to paint a ceiling instead!

It might seem difficult to believe, but I don’t like to paint! I do it because I enjoy the way a space feels after a fresh coat of paint, but when it comes to the actual job, there are many other things I’d rather be doing.

But we’ve had to paint every room in our house at least once. And the ceilings are included in it.

We’re currently remodeling our bathroom, so I figured now would be the ideal time to provide our advice on painting the ceiling. Not just because it needs painting, but also because we’re painting it in a bold color!

Adding Bold Color to a Small Room

I enjoy bringing color to spaces, but I was stumped on how to do it in our little guest bathroom. We lack windows or other natural light sources to make the space bright. So painting the walls a darker shade could give the impression that the space is smaller.

I thought about merely decorating the space with bright accessories, but I wasn’t sure about that either. To make a space stand out, add some color!

So instead, we decided to paint the ceiling! A brave move?

I’m delighted to report that the strong color on our ceiling was the ideal way to add some flare and character to our guest bathroom

Small rooms benefit greatly from colorful ceilings since the walls remain light and airy. With these simple ceiling painting tricks, you can always paint over your decision if you decide to reconsider.

How to Paint the Ceiling the Easy Way

  • EZ-Twist HomeRight PaintStick
  • Paint
  • An angled paintbrush and Quick Painter
  • Drop cloth
  • Clean water

You should start by painting your walls and ceiling a lighter color if you choose to paint them. If your roof is painted a darker color than the walls, paint the walls first. If your walls are darker, paint your ceiling first.

Ensure that the lighter color transfers to the opposite surface. You will find it simpler to cut in a deeper hue.

Painting the Ceiling

You will achieve the easiest ceiling painting if two individuals paint at once. While the other rolls the PaintStick, one person can cut around borders and fixtures.

Cutting in the Edges

I utilized the HomeRight Quick Painter, a smaller version of a paint stick, to enter the scene. To avoid carrying a bucket on a ladder while cutting in, you may fill it with paint like the PaintStick.

Placing the pad on a paper towel and pulling the trigger on the Quick Painter will prime the pad. It will spew out the paint. Make careful to paint the pad entirely.

On the wall, swivel the pad back and forth. The Quick Painter had a little learning curve (just like there is with a paintbrush). The initial few locations didn’t come out well, but the second coat allowed me to correct them!

Finishing the First Coat of Paint

After finishing the initial coat, replace the PaintStick on the fill tube (which should still be inside the paint can) and push the remaining paint in the handle back into the container.

The Second Coat of Paint

The roller might fill up while it rests overnight since there is a sizable amount of paint in the roller and frame. Use your hand as a squeegee to scrape some extra paint off the roller after removing the plastic bag.

When you’re through painting, use the fill tube to squeeze any leftover paint back into the can.

Discard the splatter shield. Pop the roller’s outer end caps off its sides to release the roller. Try scraping off some more paint if you wish to clean it first.

From within the roller, take off the spacer and frame. Remove the handle by twisting the frame. Run warm water over them until the water is clear.

In a tub of water, place the handle’s open end and the valve. After that, let it out. Continue until the water is crystal clear.

Clean any paint residue off the valve.

Launder everything. To prevent the rings and valve from drying out while being stored, apply a little amount of petroleum jelly to them.

You may now display your freshly painted ceiling!
